

I’ve just returned from our wonderful Irish Premiere at @GateCinemas in Cork, as part of the @IndieCork Film Festival. Another very friendly festival with lots of really great staff, audiences and film productions. My current feature film, ‘Candlestick’, in which I play the lead role, Jack, was incredibly well received at Tuesday’s fantastic screening in front of a very appreciative crowd. The Q&A afterwards was really fun with lots of thoughtful, considered questions. Thank you Cork!

Next up: mainland Europe for more festival premieres.



This week I headed up to Aberdeen to join other cast and crew members for the UK Premiere of my latest feature film Candlestick. The momentous first British screening of our production began at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 8th at the inaugural Aberdeen International Film Festival held at Cineworld, Union Square. We had a lovely reception from both the audience and the festival organizers, and the film was very well received. It was great to see a large audience getting into the plot and enjoying the twists and turns, and wonderful to hear their reactions to certain moments in the piece. We also had a very enjoyable Q&A session after the screening. Thank you, Aberdeen. Next stop Ireland!